Bring the ducks to the center area to rescue them and keep an eye out for a duck surrounded by a green bubble, that let's you fire off one homing attack!

"WASD" Keys for movement 

"Space" Key or "Left-Click" to fire off your bubble weapon!

"F" Key or "Right-Click" to fire off your special homing bubble 

"Esc" Key to regain control of your mouse

The goal for this game is to get as high a score as you can by rescuing ducks and defeating enemy boats

Scoring -

Small boats are worth 20 points and take 1 hit to destroy
Large boats are worth 30 points and take 2 hits to destroy
Ducks that you rescue are worth 200 points

Technical Stuff -

Your main ammo that you fire is miniature versions of yourself encapsulated in a bubble.

When you have ducks following you will move slower but be able to fire your bubble attack faster

With each duck rescued the enemies will spawn in faster and the first 5 ducks give a permanent increase to your fire rate and speed!

The homing duck powerup has a 20% chance to spawn and you can only have 1 available for use at a time after you pick it up

The smaller boats fire faster and move towards the player's direction. The bigger boats on the other hand fire slower and rotate around the player.

The boats have a limit on how many can be spawned in at one time and no powerups will spawn if there's already 2 needing to be collected.

Still mostly prototype assets being used and no sound effects currently in the game.

Known Bugs -

Large boats occasionally leave the area of the bathtub
Some of the shots that the boats fire off can go at odd angles
Camera sensitivity and smoothness varies between users


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Awesome game!